According to the DIBP publication “2015–16 Migration Programme Report, Programme year to 30 June 2016”, the total permanent migration programme outcome for the 2015-16 migration programme year was 189,770 places.
Source: DIBP
Out of total permanent visa places, the Skill stream accounted for 67.7 per cent of the total 2015–16 migration programme outcome
At the major group level of the Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), the top three major occupation groups for primary visa grants in the Skill stream were Professionals (64.8 per cent), Technicians and Trades Workers (17.7 per cent) and Managers (9.9 per cent).
Within the Skill stream:
- the Employer Sponsored category had an outcome of 48,250 places which is 37.5 per cent of the 2015–16 Skill stream outcome. It comprised of:
- ENS 186 visas: with 35,981 places (74.6 per cent)
- RSMS 187 visas: 12,269 places (25.4 per cent)
- General Skilled Migration (GSM) had an outcome of 72,840 places. GSM comprised 56.7 per cent of the Skill stream outcome in 2015–16.
- Within GSM, 85.1 per cent (31,061) of primary places granted had an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL); and
- outcome in the Business Innovation and Investment Programme and the Distinguished Talent categories were 7260 and 200 places respectively
Occupations of Primary applicants in the Skill stream:
The top 5 occupations in 2015-16 were Accountants, Software Engineers, Cooks, Registered Nurses and External Auditors. In 2010-2011, Accountant was the number one occupation with 14,596 visa places granted. However the numbers have reduced to just 3,640 places in 2015-16. The number of visa places for External Auditors were increased from 228 to 1,790 for the same period, while the number of visa places for Software Engineers was increased from 328 to 3,409 for the same period.
The number of Permanent visa grants for Software Engineers under all Skill Stream visas including Employer Sponsored and General Skilled category was only 326 in the 2010-11 financial year. This was increased to 3,409 in 2015-16. The number of visa grants for this occupation has increased by more than 10 times during the last 5 years.
Source: DIBP
The composition of the 457 programme
DIBP also published the “Subclass 457 Quarterly Report, quarter ending at 30 September 2016”, with the tables below outlining the composition of the 457 visa programme for 2016-17 in terms of applications granted as of 30 September 2016.
Primary 457 visas granted according to Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) occupational group - top three groups
Primary 457 visas granted - top three sponsor industries
Top 15 Nominated occupations for 457 primary applications granted in 2016-17 to 30 September 2016
The top three IT (ICT) occupations for 457 visa applications are ICT Business Analyst, Software Engineer and Analyst Programmer.