Partner Visa News

Australian Partner Visas and the Effects of COVID-19 “Coronavirus” - FAQS

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This Article was last updated on Monday April 6, 2020.

As we write this update, we have a very many people worried for the future and concerns for loved ones abroad and in Australia due to the disruption the Coronavirus crisis is causing as the number of confirmed cases rise globally by the hour.

At this point in time, many plans for the future have been disrupted as a result of the lockdown or shutdown of airports and countries to foreigners.

Our thoughts are with anyone who finds themselves in this position. As specialist in the area of partner and family migration we have been considering how the Coronavirus crisis may be affecting you and created

the following Questions and Answers below:

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2020 Australian Partner Visa Processing Times

2020 Australian Partner Visa Processing Times

In 2018, one quarter of all Australian marriages were between a local and foreign born person.
That’s 28,452 marriages in Australia and potential spouse visas. (Source:

Partner visa processing times have steadily increased over the past two years.

We have previously written about the processing times here:

The current processing times are such that for a Temporary Partner (subclass 820) visa (onshore) 22 to 29 months on the Home Affairs website (

And for a Partner Provisional (subclass 309) visa (offshore) 17 to 20 months on the Home Affairs website (

The Department is receiving more applications in a migration program year (same as the financial year, from 1 July to 30 June) than it will be able to process in that year, which is affecting your ability to get the visa granted.

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Partner and Parent Sponsorship changes UPDATE

Partner and Parent Sponsorship changes UPDATE


Since this post was published the Department of Home Affairs has advised that these new sponsorship requirements will not be commencing from 17 April 2019 as was previously communicated. At this stage there is no timeframe for the introduction of these sponsorship changes.


In November 2018 we posted about new legislation that would significantly impact the process for lodging family visas. The new requirement that sponsors for family visas be approved before a visa application can be lodged will take effect on a yet to be dermined date. It will apply to all Prospective Marriage Visa,  Partner Visa or Parent Visa applications lodged from this date.

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New Australian Parent Visa: Five-year Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa (Subclass 870) Available 2019

New Australian Parent Visa: Five-year Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa (Subclass 870) Available 2019

Parents and Grandparents of Australian Citizens, Permanent Migrants, and eligible New Zealand citizens will be able to come to Australia and stay for up to 5 years per visit through the Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa (Subclass 870) and re-apply for another in 3 or 5 years from 1 July 2019. 

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Australian Immigration: In-Depth Review of Changes From 2018-2019

Australian Immigration: In-Depth Review of Changes From 2018-2019

Throughout the 2018/2019 programme year, Australian immigration has witnessed some massive changes. These changes range from new government, policy changes, the abolishment of the 457 visa, and new visas being implemented. Scroll the index below to find an in-depth summary of changes and what we predict will come in 2019.

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Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

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