In the Australian Federal Budget released on the 13 May 2014, the following measures are announced:
“The Government will achieve savings of $305.2 million (including a reduction in revenue of $112.9 million) over five years, by modifying the size and composition of the 2014‑15 Migration Programme.
The 2014‑15 Migration Programme will have 190,000 places and maintain the composition of 128,550 Skilled Stream places, 60,885 Family Stream places and 565 Special Eligibility Stream places.
The Skilled Stream will continue to focus on Australia's longer term skills needs, including addressing skills shortages in regional Australia.
The Family Stream will refocus on meeting the increasing demand for close family reunions. The additional partner and child places will be made available as a result of the cessation of new applications from the other family and parent (non‑contributory) places. This cessation will also enable faster processing of existing applications.”
The Government’s press release:
In a press release from Scott Morrison MP, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Budget was described with the following title: “Boosting the economy through Australia's migration programme”:
'With the reprioritisation towards employer-sponsored visas, employers will be assisted in finding workers to fill vital positions where they have been unable to find local workers. This also protects Australian workers, who will have less direct competition from independent migrants who arrive without a guaranteed job.”
The Ceasing of the following Family visas as part of new measures:
The following visas have been ceased from the 2 June 2014:
Parent -Subclass -Subclass 103; Aged Parent- Subclass 804
Aged Dependent Relative - Subclass 114
Aged Dependent Relative -Subclass 838.
Remaining Relative- Subclass 115
Remaining Relative -Subclass 835
Carer-Subclass –Subclass 116
Carer - Subclass 836
This is consistent with the focus on Skilled Visas announced in the budget above.
Warning: This information is accurate on the 04 June 2014.
DIBP will change visa requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application.
Do You Need Help in Relation to Australian Visas?
If you require further information regarding Australian visa options you contact our offices on:
(08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091
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