Helping thousands of applicants and businesses with their Australian dream since 2011.

Happy clients

Successful 457 visa followed by a Temporary Transition Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) 186 visa for for Australian PR Occupation: Computer Network and Systems Engineer (ANZSCO 263111) Visa granted on 6 May 2016
Testimonial received: 9 May 2016

Dear Chris,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your help in getting... Read more

Successful 485 visa followed by a Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) visa for Australian PR

Country of origin: Bangladesh
Visa granted on: 19 May 2016
Testimonial received: 25 May 2016

Dear Chris and Christine,

I am writing this e-mail in order to express my indescribable gratitude for all the support and assistance that you... Read more

Successful MRT (now AAT) Decision regarding 457 Visa Sponsorship Sanction and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) subclass 187 visa for Australian PR

Visa granted on 14 December 2015
Testimonial received 20 January 2016

Dear Chris,

I want to take the opportunity to thank you via this email. I really appreciate your time... Read more

Having tried a few other agents and doing it myself with no luck, a friend suggested trying Work Visa Lawyers as her family had received some great help in the past. After the first meeting my mind was put at ease and it was straight forward from there onwards. Wendy... Read more

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We want to say hello

最近我的190签证下签了,从拿到州担保,到最后成功拿到PR,在这里我要衷心感谢work visa lawyers中介,特别是Chris和Wendy。

说到中介,在申请签证前,我也和其他中介打过交道,我的485工作 毕业签就是2年前找其他某中介办理的,虽然办理费用很便宜,但是 整个过程稀里糊涂,工作人员讲解的不透彻不清晰。

到了今年准备办理190签证,我还是下决心找本地移民公司Work Visa Lawyers办理,当时找他们的主要原因是想稳稳妥妥的拿PR,毕竟里面有经验十足的律师,相信递交签证的文笔和逻辑论证不会 差。其次,我的另外一个小心思是:我的签证是以律所的名义递交给移民局, 想必签证官们在审理我的签证时也不敢懈怠(谁都怕惹官司嘛)。 

果然,在第一次和Chris的会议中,Chris耐心的给我分析了190签证,并且根据我的个人情况判断了申请190签证的机率, 使我拿PR的信心十足。只花费了6周的时间,我的州担保邀请就下来了(当时的州担保审理时间需要10周),之后在Wendy的建议和指点下,我在8月27号递交了190签证申请(当时的签证审理时间是11-15个月),我心想估计要等到明年后半年才能下签了,哪知道11月8号就下签了,没错,从递交到下签才两个月!说实在的,我承认有运气的成分,但是更多的是Work Visa Lawyers团队的靠谱,在和Chris和Wendy合作的过程中我发现,他们经验丰富,做事很负责任,做人很认真,考虑事情也全面,这样的老板培养出来的工作人员也很棒!我之前一直在想要不和朋友一样,随便找个便宜优惠的移民中介算了,反正价格便宜并且都是递交签证,没有区别,但是经过这次的
想当你在仅仅2个月就拿到PR,而其他身边伙伴递交了大半年还在被签证官追着提交额外资料时,你就懂了。 再次衷心感谢Work Visa Lawyers特别是Chris和Wendy以及中介公司的每位员工。

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At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Student Visas, Skilled Migration visas, Business visas, Employer-Sponsored visas, Partner, and other Family Migration visas, as well as Migration Review Tribunal, Judicial Review, and Ministerial Intervention. Based in Adelaide South Australia, our Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents provide migration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.