Helping thousands of applicants and businesses with their Australian dream since 2011.

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VIC 190
85 points
Social Worker
Invitation Received: 23/11/2021
Visa Granted: 3/3/2022

Dear Wendy and the amazing Work Visa Lawyers’ Team,

My wife and I would like to thank you for all your efforts not only in securing our permanent residence visas but also re-uniting us after many... Read more

Re: 457 Visa process - three stages, Business Sponsorship, Nomination and Visa application Occupation: Hairdresser Email received on 7 August 2014

Dear Chris and Christine,

With this email I would like to thank you so much for the great work you have done to make our dreams come true. A bit more than a... Read more

Successful 457 visa followed by a Temporary Transition Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) 186 visa for for Australian PR Occupation: Computer Network and Systems Engineer (ANZSCO 263111) Visa granted on 6 May 2016
Testimonial received: 9 May 2016

Dear Chris,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your help in getting... Read more

Application lodged (Provisional & PR): 17 April 2019 Application granted (PR): 17 May 2019 Country: The Netherlands

We could not be happier with our recent experience with Work Visa Lawyers and in particular all of the support and work that Christina and her team put into our approved application for a Partner... Read more

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STSOL for subclass 190 and 489 visa applications

This occupation list is applicable for the following visa applications:

  • Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated Visa
  • Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored (State/Territory) Visa
  Occupation ANZSCO code Assessing authority
1 aquaculture farmer 121111 VETASSESS
2 cotton grower 121211 VETASSESS
3 flower grower 121212 VETASSESS
4 fruit or nut grower 121213 VETASSESS
5 grain, oilseed or pasture grower (Aus) / field crop grower (NZ) 121214 VETASSESS
6 grape grower 121215 VETASSESS
7 mixed crop farmer 121216 VETASSESS
8 sugar cane grower 121217 VETASSESS
9 vegetable grower (Aus) / market gardener (NZ) 121221 VETASSESS
10 crop farmers (nec) 121299 VETASSESS
11 apiarist 121311 VETASSESS
12 beef cattle farmer 121312 VETASSESS
13 dairy cattle farmer 121313 VETASSESS
14 horse breeder 121316 VETASSESS
15 mixed livestock farmer 121317 VETASSESS
16 pig farmer 121318 VETASSESS
17 poultry farmer 121321 VETASSESS
18 sheep farmer 121322 VETASSESS
19 livestock farmers (nec) 121399 VETASSESS
20 mixed crop and livestock farmer 121411 VETASSESS
21 sales and marketing manager 131112 AIM
22 advertising manager 131113 AIM
23 corporate services manager 132111 VETASSESS
24 finance manager 132211 (a) CPAA; or
(b) IPA; or
25 human resource manager 132311 AIM
26 research and development manager 132511 VETASSESS
27 manufacturer 133411 VETASSESS
28 production manager (forestry) 133511 VETASSESS
29 production manager (manufacturing) 133512 VETASSESS
30 production manager (mining) 133513 VETASSESS
31 supply and distribution manager 133611 AIM
32 health and welfare services managers (nec) 134299 VETASSESS
33 school principal 134311 VETASSESS
34 education managers (nec) 134499 VETASSESS
35 ICT project manager 135112 ACS
36 ICT managers (nec) 135199 ACS
37 arts administrator or manager 139911 VETASSESS
38 laboratory manager 139913 VETASSESS
39 quality assurance manager 139914 VETASSESS
40 specialist managers (nec) except: 139999 VETASSESS
  (a) ambassador; or    
  (b) archbishop; or    
  (c) bishop    
41 cafe or restaurant manager 141111 VETASSESS
42 hotel or motel manager 141311 VETASSESS
43 accommodation and hospitality managers (nec) 141999 VETASSESS
44 hair or beauty salon manager 142114 VETASSESS
45 post office manager 142115 VETASSESS
46 fitness centre manager 149112 VETASSESS
47 sports centre manager 149113 VETASSESS
48 customer service manager 149212 VETASSESS
49 conference and event organiser 149311 VETASSESS
50 transport company manager 149413 VETASSESS
51 facilities manager 149913 VETASSESS
52 dancer or choreographer 211112 VETASSESS
53 music director 211212 VETASSESS
54 music professionals (nec) 211299 VETASSESS
55 photographer 211311 VETASSESS
56 visual arts and crafts professionals (nec) 211499 VETASSESS
57 artistic director 212111 VETASSESS
58 book or script editor 212212 VETASSESS
59 director (film, television, radio or stage) 212312 VETASSESS
60 film and video editor 212314 VETASSESS
61 program director (television or radio) 212315 VETASSESS
62 stage manager 212316 VETASSESS
63 technical director 212317 VETASSESS
64 video producer 212318 VETASSESS
65 copywriter 212411 VETASSESS
66 newspaper or periodical editor 212412 VETASSESS
67 print journalist 212413 VETASSESS
68 technical writer 212415 VETASSESS
69 television journalist 212416 VETASSESS
70 journalists and other writers (nec) 212499 VETASSESS
71 company secretary 221211 VETASSESS
72 commodities trader 222111 VETASSESS
73 finance broker 222112 VETASSESS
74 insurance broker 222113 VETASSESS
75 financial brokers (nec) 222199 VETASSESS
76 financial market dealer 222211 VETASSESS
77 stockbroking dealer 222213 VETASSESS
78 financial dealers (nec) 222299 VETASSESS
79 financial investment adviser 222311 VETASSESS
80 financial investment manager 222312 VETASSESS
81 recruitment consultant 223112 VETASSESS
82 ICT trainer 223211 ACS
83 mathematician 224112 VETASSESS
84 gallery or museum curator 224212 VETASSESS
85 health information manager 224213 VETASSESS
86 records manager 224214 VETASSESS
87 librarian 224611 VETASSESS
88 management consultant 224711 VETASSESS
89 organisation and methods analyst 224712 VETASSESS
90 patents examiner 224914 VETASSESS
91 information and organisation professionals (nec) 224999 VETASSESS
92 advertising specialist 225111 VETASSESS
93 marketing specialist 225113 VETASSESS
94 ICT account manager 225211 VETASSESS
95 ICT business development manager 225212 VETASSESS
96 ICT sales representative 225213 VETASSESS
97 public relations professional 225311 VETASSESS
98 technical sales representatives (nec) including education sales representatives 225499 VETASSESS
99 aeroplane pilot 231111 CASA
100 flying instructor 231113 VETASSESS
101 helicopter pilot 231114 CASA
102 fashion designer 232311 VETASSESS
103 industrial designer 232312 VETASSESS
104 jewellery designer 232313 VETASSESS
105 graphic designer 232411 VETASSESS
106 illustrator 232412 VETASSESS
107 web designer 232414 VETASSESS
108 interior designer 232511 VETASSESS
109 urban and regional planner 232611 VETASSESS
110 wine maker 234213 VETASSESS
111 geologist 234411 VETASSESS
112 primary school teacher 241213 AITSL
113 middle school teacher (Aus) / intermediate school teacher (NZ) 241311 AITSL
114 education adviser 249111 VETASSESS
115 art teacher (private tuition) 249211 VETASSESS
116 dance teacher (private tuition) 249212 VETASSESS
117 music teacher (private tuition) 249214 VETASSESS
118 private tutors and teachers (nec) 249299 VETASSESS
119 teacher of English to speakers of other languages 249311 VETASSESS
120 dietitian 251111 DAA
121 nutritionist 251112 VETASSESS
122 occupational health and safety adviser 251312 VETASSESS
123 orthoptist 251412 VETASSESS
124 hospital pharmacist 251511 APharmC
125 industrial pharmacist 251512 VETASSESS
126 retail pharmacist 251513 APharmC
127 health promotion officer 251911 VETASSESS
128 health diagnostic and promotion professionals (nec) 251999 VETASSESS
129 acupuncturist 252211 Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
130 naturopath 252213 VETASSESS
131 traditional Chinese medicine practitioner 252214 Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
132 complementary health therapists (nec) 252299 VETASSESS
133 dental specialist 252311 ADC
134 dentist 252312 ADC
135 resident medical officer 253112 MedBA
136 anaesthetist 253211 MedBA
137 nurse educator 254211 ANMAC
138 nurse researcher 254212 ANMAC
139 nurse manager 254311 ANMAC
140 web developer 261212 ACS
141 software tester 261314 ACS
142 database administrator 262111 ACS
143 systems administrator 262113 ACS
144 network administrator 263112 ACS
145 network analyst 263113 ACS
146 ICT quality assurance engineer 263211 ACS
147 ICT support engineer 263212 ACS
148 ICT systems test engineer 263213 ACS
149 ICT support and test engineers (nec) 263299 ACS
150 judicial and other legal professionals (nec) 271299 VETASSESS
151 careers counsellor 272111 VETASSESS
152 drug and alcohol counsellor 272112 VETASSESS
153 family and marriage counsellor 272113 VETASSESS
154 rehabilitation counsellor 272114 VETASSESS
155 student counsellor 272115 VETASSESS
156 counsellors (nec) 272199 VETASSESS
157 interpreter 272412 NAATI
158 social professionals (nec) 272499 VETASSESS
159 recreation officer 272612 VETASSESS
160 welfare worker 272613 ACWA
161 agricultural technician 311111 VETASSESS
162 anaesthetic technician 311211 VETASSESS
163 cardiac technician 311212 VETASSESS
164 medical laboratory technician 311213 AIMS
165 pharmacy technician 311215 VETASSESS
166 medical technicians (nec) 311299 VETASSESS
167 meat inspector 311312 VETASSESS
168 primary products inspectors (nec) 311399 VETASSESS
169 chemistry technician 311411 VETASSESS
170 earth science technician 311412 VETASSESS
171 life science technician 311413 VETASSESS
172 science technicians (nec) 311499 VETASSESS
173 architectural draftsperson 312111 VETASSESS
174 building associate 312112 VETASSESS
175 building inspector 312113 VETASSESS
176 architectural, building and surveying technicians (nec) 312199 VETASSESS
177 mechanical engineering technician 312512 TRA
178 metallurgical or materials technician 312912 VETASSESS
179 mine deputy 312913 VETASSESS
180 hardware technician 313111 TRA
181 ICT customer support officer 313112 TRA
182 web administrator 313113 ACS
183 ICT support technicians (nec) 313199 TRA
184 farrier 322113 TRA
185 aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) 323111 TRA
186 aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical) 323112 TRA
187 aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) 323113 TRA
188 textile, clothing and footwear mechanic 323215 TRA
189 metal fitters and machinists (nec) 323299 TRA
190 precision instrument maker and repairer 323314 TRA
191 watch and clock maker and repairer 323316 TRA
192 toolmaker 323412 TRA
193 vehicle body builder 324211 TRA
194 vehicle trimmer 324212 TRA
195 roof tiler 333311 TRA
196 business machine mechanic 342311 TRA
197 cabler (data and telecommunications) 342411 TRA
198 telecommunications linesworker 342413 TRA
199 baker 351111 TRA
200 pastrycook 351112 TRA
201 butcher or smallgoods maker 351211 TRA
202 cook 351411 TRA
203 dog handler or trainer 361111 VETASSESS
204 animal attendants and trainers (nec) 361199 VETASSESS
205 veterinary nurse 361311 VETASSESS
206 florist 362111 TRA
207 gardener (general) 362211 TRA
208 arborist 362212 TRA
209 landscape gardener 362213 TRA
210 greenkeeper 362311 TRA
211 hairdresser 391111 TRA
212 print finisher 392111 TRA
213 printing machinist 392311 TRA
214 dressmaker or tailor 393213 TRA
215 upholsterer 393311 TRA
216 furniture finisher 394211 TRA
217 wood machinist 394213 TRA
218 wood machinists and other wood trades workers (nec) 394299 TRA
219 chemical plant operator 399211 TRA
220 power generation plant operator 399213 TRA
221 library technician 399312 VETASSESS
222 jeweller 399411 TRA
223 camera operator (film, television or video) 399512 TRA
224 make up artist 399514 TRA
225 sound technician 399516 TRA
226 performing arts technicians (nec) 399599 VETASSESS
227 signwriter 399611 TRA
228 ambulance officer 411111 VETASSESS
229 intensive care ambulance paramedic 411112 VETASSESS
230 dental technician 411213 TRA
231 diversional therapist 411311 VETASSESS
232 enrolled nurse 411411 ANMAC
233 massage therapist 411611 VETASSESS
234 community worker 411711 ACWA
235 disabilities services officer 411712 VETASSESS
236 family support worker 411713 VETASSESS
237 residential care officer 411715 VETASSESS
238 youth worker 411716 ACWA
239 diving instructor (open water) 452311 VETASSESS
240 gymnastics coach or instructor 452312 VETASSESS
241 horse riding coach or instructor 452313 VETASSESS
242 snowsport instructor 452314 VETASSESS
243 swimming coach or instructor 452315 VETASSESS
244 tennis coach 452316 VETASSESS
245 other sports coach or instructor 452317 VETASSESS
246 sports development officer 452321 VETASSESS
247 footballer 452411 VETASSESS
248 sportspersons (nec) 452499 VETASSESS
249 contract administrator 511111 VETASSESS
250 program or project administrator 511112 VETASSESS
251 insurance loss adjuster 599612 VETASSESS
252 insurance agent 611211 VETASSESS
253 retail buyer 639211 VETASSESS

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At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Student Visas, Skilled Migration visas, Business visas, Employer-Sponsored visas, Partner, and other Family Migration visas, as well as Migration Review Tribunal, Judicial Review, and Ministerial Intervention. Based in Adelaide South Australia, our Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents provide migration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.